Hitler's Thirty Days to Power

Henry Ashby Turner, Jr., Hitler's Thirty Days to Power: January 1933 (Little, Brown and Company, 2014)

Summary: A detailed examination of the actual political mechanics behind Adolf Hitler's rise to the German chancellorship. Nuts and bolts, not grand forces of history and social change; real decisions made by real people at precise moments in time.

Key Quote: "Because Germany was a republic when Hitler became chancellor, many assume that he was democratically elected by a majority of the German people. Such was not, however, the case. His rise to power was far more complicated and, above all, more chancy. It was, in fact, a very near thing that could have been thwarted at numerous points." - p. xi

Bottom Line: Read this book to understand the Game of Thrones-type palace intrigue that secured Hitler's place at the top.


Cari Mora


Those Who Wish Me Dead